PyTorch APIs - 2.0 English

Vitis AI RNN User Guide (UG1563)

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2.0 English

The APIs are located in the nndct/pytorch_binding/pytorch_nndct/ module.

class torch_quantizer(): 
    def __init__(self,
                 quant_mode: str, # ['calib', 'test']
                 module: torch.nn.Module,
                 input_args: Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[Any]] = None,
                 state_dict_file: Optional[str] = None,
                 output_dir: str = "quantize_result",
                 bitwidth: int = 8,
                 mix_bit: bool = False,
                 device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"),
                 lstm: bool = False,
                 app_deploy: str = "CV",
                 qat_proc: bool = False,
                 custom_quant_ops: List[str] = None):

Class torch_quantizer creates a quantizer object.