XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration - 2020.2 English

OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

This API sets the configuration of SPI.

This will set the options and clock prescaler (if applicable).

Note: This API can be called before calling XIsf_Initialize() to initialize the SPI interface in other than default options mode. PreScaler is only applicable to PS SPI/QSPI.


int XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration(XIsf *InstancePtr, XIsf_Iface *SpiInstPtr, u32 Options, u8 PreScaler);


The following table lists the XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration function arguments.

Table 1. XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration Arguments
Type Name Description
XIsf * InstancePtr Pointer to the XIsf instance.
XIsf_Iface * SpiInstPtr Pointer to XIsf_Iface instance to be worked on.
u32 Options Specified options to be set.
u8 PreScaler Value of the clock prescaler to set.


XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.