XilFPGA APIs - 2020.2 English

OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

This section provides detailed descriptions of the XilFPGA library APIs.

Table 1. Quick Function Reference
Type Name Arguments
u32 XFpga_Initialize XFpga * InstancePtr
u32 XFpga_PL_BitStream_Load

XFpga * InstancePtr

UINTPTR BitstreamImageAddr

UINTPTR AddrPtr_Size

u32 Flags

u32 XFpga_PL_Write

XFpga * InstancePtr

UINTPTR BitstreamImageAddr

UINTPTR AddrPtr_Size

u32 Flags

U32 XFpga_PL_Preconfig XFpga * InstancePtr
U32 XFpga_PL_PostConfig XFpga * InstancePtr
U32 XFpga_PL_ValidateImage

XFpga * InstancePtr

UINTPTR BitstreamImageAddr

UINTPTR AddrPtr_Size

u32 Flags