Output Files - 2021.1 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

The tool generates directories, files, and the software design file (MSS) in the <your_project> directory. For every processor instance in the MSS file, the tool generates a directory with the name of the processor instance. Within each processor instance directory the tool generates the following directories and files.

The include Directory
The include directory contains C header files needed by drivers. The include file xparameters.h is also created using the tool in this directory. This file defines base addresses of the peripherals in the system, #defines needed by drivers, OSs, libraries, and user programs, as well as function prototypes.
  • The Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) file for each driver specifies the definitions that must be customized for each peripheral that uses the driver. See Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) Overview.
  • The Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) file for each OS and library specifies the definitions that you must customize. See Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) Overview.
The lib Directory
The lib directory contains libc.a, libm.a, and libxil.a libraries. The libxil library contains driver functions that the particular processor can access. For more information about the libraries, refer to the introductory section of the OS and Libraries Document Collection (UG643).
The libsrc Directory
The libsrc directory contains intermediate files and make files needed to compile the OSs, libraries, and drivers. The directory contains peripheral-specific driver files, BSP files for the OS, and library files that are copied from install, as well as your driver, OS, and library directories.
The code Directory
The code directory is a repository for tool executables. The tool creates an xmdstub.elf file (for the MicroBlaze™ processor on-board debug) in this directory.
Note: The tool removes these directories every time you run the it. You must put your sources, executables, and any other files in an area that you create.