AXI4-Stream I/O Model for Streaming Traffic - 2021.2 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The following section is specific to AXI4-Stream. The streaming I/O model can be used to emulate streaming traffic on the platform, and also support delay modeling. You can add streaming I/O to your application when targeted either for software emulation or hardware emulation, or add them to your custom platform design in the context of hardware emulation as described below:

  • Streaming I/O kernels can be added to the device binary (xclbin) file like any other compiled kernel object (XO) file, using the v++ --link command. The Vitis installation provides kernels for AXI4-Stream interfaces of various data widths. These can be found in the software installation at $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO.

    Add these to your designs using the following example command:

    v++ -t hw_emu --link $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_master_32.xo $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_slave_32.xo ... 

    In the example above, the sim_ipc_axis_master_32.xo and sim_ipc_axis_slave_32.xo provide 32-bit master and slave kernels that can be linked with the target platform and other kernels in your design to create the .xclbin file for the emulation build.

  • In case of hardware emulation, IPC modules can also be added to a platform block design using the Vivado IP integrator for Versal and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC custom platforms. The tool provides sim_ipc_axis_master_v1_0 and sim_ipc_axis_slave_v1_0 IP to add to your platform design. These can be found in the software installation at $XILINX_VIVADO/data/emulation/hw_em/ip_repo.

    The following is an example Tcl script used to add IPC IP to your platform design, which will enable you to inject data traffic into your simulation from an external process written in Python or C++:

    #Update IP Repository path if required
    set_property  ip_repo_paths $XILINX_VIVADO/data/emulation/hw_em/ip_repo [current_project]
    ## Add AXIS Master
    create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv sim_ipc_axis_master_0
    #Change Model Property if required
    set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_M00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH {64}] [get_bd_cells sim_ipc_axis_master_0]
    ##Add AXIS Slave
    create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv sim_ipc_axis_slave_0
    #Change Model Property if required
    set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_S00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH {64}] [get_bd_cells sim_ipc_axis_slave_0]