XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames - 2022.1 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation: BSP and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
This function is used to read total frames in a row
  • Total number of rows is not same for all platforms.
  • XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames API is provided to know the total number of frames in a row for each block. Output param (FrameCntPtr) of XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames API is updated with total number of frames of each block type for the input row. If a particular block in a row has 0 frames, then error injection shall not be performed. Range of Frame number: 0 to (FrameCntPtr[n] - 1) where n is block type with range 0 to 6.
  • The safe location to perform error injection is QWORD 12 which has bits. The error injection will not change the design behaviour.


void XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames(u32 RowIndex, u32 *FrameCntPtr)


The following table lists the XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames function arguments.

Table 1. XSem_CmdCfrGetTotalFrames Arguments
Type Name Description
void RowIndex Row index for which total number of frames is to be read