XSem_DescriptorInfo - 2022.1 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation: BSP and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Structure to hold each descriptor information.

Descriptor Attribute: Contains detailed information related to descriptor

  • Bit[31]: STNN - If set, the descriptor contains Split Tiles/NPS/NCRB registers
  • Bit[30]: XMPU - If set, the descriptor contains XMPU registers
  • Bit[29:16]: Reserved
  • Bit[15:8]: Exclusive Lock Type - Bit[8] if set, signifies that descriptor contains GT slaves. Bit[9] if set, signifies that descriptor contains DDRMC slave registers. Bit[10:15] are reserved for future use
  • Bit[7:0]: Slave

Descriptor Golden SHA: This word contains the Golden SHA value that is used to compare with hardware calculated SHA value.


typedef struct
  u32 DescriptorAttrib,
  u32 DescriptorGldnSha
} XSem_DescriptorInfo;
Table 1. Structure XSem_DescriptorInfo Member Description
Member Description
DescriptorAttrib Descriptor attributes
DescriptorGldnSha Descriptor Golden SHA value