BD_INTF_PIN - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English



An interface is a grouping of signals that share a common function, containing both individual signals and multiple buses. An AXI4-Lite master, for example, contains a large number of individual signals plus multiple buses, which are all required to make a connection. By grouping these signals and buses into an interface, the Vivado IP integrator can identify common interfaces and automatically make multiple connections in a single step.

An interface is defined using the IP-XACT standard. Standard interfaces provided by Xilinx can be found in the Vivado tools installation directory at data/ip/interfaces. See the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994) [Ref 27] for more information on interface nets, pins, and ports.

A block design interface pin, or a bd_intf_pin object, is a point of logical connectivity on a block design cell. An interface pin allows the internals of a cell to be abstracted away and simplified for ease-of-use. Interface pins can appear on hierarchical block design cells, or leaf-level cells.

Related Objects

Figure 2-5:      Block Design Interface Pin

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-5


A block design interface pin is attached to a block design cell (bd_cell), and can be connected to other interface pins (bd_intf_pin) or interface ports (bd_intf_port) by an interface net (bd_intf_net) in the block design, or diagram.

You can query the bd_intf_pins of bd_addr_space, bd_addr_seg, bd_cell, and bd_intf_net objects:

get_bd_intf_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells clk_wiz_1]

You can also query the bd_addr_spaces, bd_addr_segs, bd_cells, and bd_intf_nets, of a specific bd_intf_pin:

get_bd_addr_spaces -of_objects [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/*]


The specific properties on a block design interface pin object can vary depending on the type of the pin. The following table lists some of the properties assigned to a master AXI interface pin object, with example values:

Property                      Type    Read-only  Visible  Value

BRIDGES                       string  false      false    

CLASS                         string  true       true     bd_intf_pin

CONFIG.ADDR_WIDTH             string  true       true     32

CONFIG.ARUSER_WIDTH           string  true       true     0

CONFIG.AWUSER_WIDTH           string  true       true     0

CONFIG.BUSER_WIDTH            string  true       true     0

CONFIG.CLK_DOMAIN             string  true       true     base_mb_clk_wiz_1_0_clk_out1

CONFIG.DATA_WIDTH             string  true       true     32

CONFIG.FREQ_HZ                string  true       true     100000000

CONFIG.HAS_BRESP              string  true       true     1

CONFIG.HAS_BURST              string  true       true     0

CONFIG.HAS_CACHE              string  true       true     0

CONFIG.HAS_LOCK               string  true       true     0

CONFIG.HAS_PROT               string  true       true     1

CONFIG.HAS_QOS                string  true       true     0

CONFIG.HAS_REGION             string  true       true     0

CONFIG.HAS_RRESP              string  true       true     1

CONFIG.HAS_WSTRB              string  true       true     1

CONFIG.ID_WIDTH               string  true       true     0

CONFIG.MAX_BURST_LENGTH       string  true       true     1

CONFIG.NUM_READ_OUTSTANDING   string  true       true     1

CONFIG.NUM_READ_THREADS       string  true       true     1

CONFIG.NUM_WRITE_OUTSTANDING  string  true       true     1

CONFIG.NUM_WRITE_THREADS      string  true       true     1

CONFIG.PHASE                  string  true       true     0.0

CONFIG.PROTOCOL               string  true       true     AXI4LITE

CONFIG.READ_WRITE_MODE        string  true       true     READ_WRITE

CONFIG.RUSER_BITS_PER_BYTE    string  true       true     0

CONFIG.RUSER_WIDTH            string  true       true     0

CONFIG.SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST  string  true       true     0

CONFIG.WUSER_BITS_PER_BYTE    string  true       true     0

CONFIG.WUSER_WIDTH            string  true       true     0

LOCATION                      string  false      true     

MODE                          string  true       true     Master

NAME                          string  false      true     M_AXI_DP

PATH                          string  true       true     /microblaze_0/M_AXI_DP

TYPE                          string  true       true     ip

VLNV                          string  true       true

To report the properties for the bd_intf_pin object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:

report_property -all [lindex [get_bd_intf_pins */*] 0]

Or use the following Tcl script to report the properties of each bd_intf_pin object on each block design cell:

foreach x [get_bd_intf_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells]] {

   puts "Next Interface Pin starts here ..............................................."

   report_property -all $x
