Hardware Manager Objects - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Hardware Manager Objects

The Hardware Manager is a feature of the Vivado Design Suite that lets you connect to a device programmer or debug board, and exercise the programmed hardware device. The Hardware Manager lets you exercise debug logic on devices, accessing signals to set or retrieve current values. The many debug cores and objects of the Vivado hardware manager are shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3:      Hardware Manager Objects

X-Ref Target - Figure 1-3



Debug cores can be instantiated into an RTL design from the Xilinx IP catalog, or in the case of the ILA or VIO debug cores, can be inserted into the synthesized netlist using the netlist-based debug flow. Refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908) [Ref 23] for more information.

As seen in the figure above, the Vivado hardware manager objects include:

HW_AXI, page 54


HW_CFGMEM, page 58

HW_DEVICE, page 60

HW_ILA, page 63

HW_ILA_DATA, page 66

HW_PROBE, page 67

HW_SERVER, page 70

HW_SIO_GT, page 71


HW_SIO_IBERT, page 82

HW_SIO_PLL, page 84

HW_SIO_RX, page 86

HW_SIO_TX, page 92

HW_SYSMON, page 96

HW_TARGET, page 100

HW_VIO, page 102