Port Descriptions - 1.0 English

AXI High Bandwidth Memory Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG276)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

The following table shows the AXI HBM controller signals.

Table 1. AXI HBM Controller Signals 1
Port Name I/O Description
AXI_xx_ACLK I Clock for the AXI Interface
AXI_xx_ARESET_N I Active-Low AXI Reset. This reset port should only be used prior to the start of data traffic. Using it after traffic has begun will cause the AXI interface and the memory controller to become out-of-sync.

When the switch is enabled, the IP will internally connect all of the AXI_xx_ARESET_N pins together because the memory behaves as a single unit.

AXI_xx_ARADDR I [32:0] Read Address for 4H Stack, [33:0] Read Address for 8H Stack 2
AXI_xx_ARBURST I [1:0] Address Read Burst. The fixed address burst type (2'b00) is not supported
AXI_xx_ARID I [5:0] Read Address ID Tag
AXI_xx_ARLEN I [3:0] Read Burst Length

[2:0] Read Burst Size

Only 256-bit size supported (3'b101)

AXI_xx_ARVALID I Read Address Valid
AXI_xx_ARREADY O Read address Ready
AXI_xx_AWADDR I [32:0] Write Address for 4H Stack, [33:0] Write Address for 8H Stack 2
AXI_xx_AWBURST I [1:0] Write Burst Type. The fixed address burst type (2'b00) is not supported.
AXI_xx_AWID I [5:0] Write Address ID
AXI_xx_AWLEN I [3:0] Write Burst Length

[2:0] Write Burst

Only 256-bit size supported (3'b101)

AXI_xx_AWVALID I Write Address Valid
AXI_xx_RREADY I Read Ready
AXI_xx_BREADY I Response Ready
AXI_xx_WDATA I [255:0] Write Data
AXI_xx_WLAST I Write Last
AXI_xx_WSTRB I [31:0] Write Strobe
AXI_xx_WDATA_PARITY I [31:0] Write Data

Can be used for user parity or data width expansion. User parity is calculated on a per byte basis and the calculation is Odd. For Odd parity a 1 is asserted per byte if the sum of the bits in that byte is Odd.

AXI_xx_WVALID I Write Valid
AXI_xx_AWREADY O Write Address Ready
AXI_xx_RDATA_PARITY O [31:0] Read Data Parity

Can be used for user parity or data width expansion. User parity is calculated on a per byte basis and the calculation is Odd. For Odd parity a 1 is asserted per byte if the sum of the bits in that byte is Odd.

AXI_xx_RDATA O [255:0] Read Data
AXI_xx_RID O [5:0] Read ID Tag
AXI_xx_RLAST O Read Last
AXI_xx_RRESP O [1:0] Read Response
AXI_xx_RVALID O Read Valid
AXI_xx_WREADY O Write Ready
AXI_xx_BID O [5:0] Response ID Tag
AXI_xx_BRESP O [1:0] Write Response
AXI_xx_BVALID O Write Response Valid
APB_y_PCLK I APB Port Clock
APB_y_PRESET_N I APB active-Low Reset. When this bit is asserted, it resets the entire memory interface including the controller, PHY, and memory stacks. Runs in the APB_PCLK domain and can be asserted/deasserted asynchronously with a minimum pulse width of one APB clock cycle.
APB_y_PWRITE I APB Bus Direction
APB_y_PRDATA O [31:0] APB Read Data
APB_y_PSLVERR O APB Transfer Error
DRAM_y_STAT_CATTRIP O HBM Catastrophic Temperature Flag. This bit is asserted when a DRAM's temperature has exceeded 120C. When this bit is asserted, ensure to immediately disable the memory access.
DRAM_y_STAT_TEMP O [6:0] Temperature in Celsius. This is the worst-case scenario for the two memory stacks. When the temperature of the two memory stacks is over 5°C, the highest temperature of the two is driven out on both the DRAM_y_STAT_TEMP ports. When the temperature of the two memory stacks is below 5°C, the lowest temperature of the two stacks is driven out on both the DRAM_y_STAT_TEMP ports. The update frequency is configurable. When there are two ports in the IP for a two Stack enabled design, the data on both ports is identical because it is driven by a single source. 3
apb_complete_0 O Indicates initial configuration sequence for Stack-0 is complete
apb_complete_1 O Indicates initial configuration sequence for Stack-1 is complete
  1. There are two AXI ports per memory controller enabled and one APB port per memory stack enabled.
  2. In AXI_xx_ARADDR and AXI_xx_AWADDR signals:
    1. 4H Stack Bit [32], 8H Stack[33] is used to select the HBM Stack.
    2. 4H Stack Bits [31:28], 8H Stack[32:29] are used to select the AXI Port.
    3. 4H Stack Bits [27:5], 8H Stack[28:5] are used to access the actual HBM.
    4. Bits [4:0] are unused because the AXI_xx_ARSIZE and AXI__xx_AWSIZE signals are always 3'b101 (32-byte aligned).
  3. This behavior change is implemented in the Vivado® Design Suite from 2018.3 release. Prior to 2018.3, lower 3-bits represented the refresh rate required for the memory based on the stack temperature.

The following table shows the AXI port assignments in the general interconnect. This includes the start address associated with each HBM channel, memory controller, and pseudo channel to which it is aligned. In non-global address mode, an AXI port can only access its associated pseudo channel. Each AXI port has a fixed address map of 2 Gb (4H Stack) or 4 Gb (8H Stack). Therefore in non-global address mode each AXI port must be mapped to the address space with its start address mentioned in the first column and ending before the start address of the next pseudo channel. In global address mode each port can access all pseudo channels but with varying performance and latency.

Table 2. AXI Port Assignments
Start Address (16 GB) Start Address (8 GB) HBM Stack AXI Port HBM Channel/PC HBM Controller
0x0_0000_0000 0x0_0000_0000 Left 0 A/PC0 MC0
0x0_2000_0000 0x0_1000_0000 Left 1 A/PC1 MC0
0x0_4000_0000 0x0_2000_0000 Left 2 E/PC0 MC1
0x0_6000_0000 0x0_3000_0000 Left 3 E/PC1 MC1
0x0_8000_0000 0x0_4000_0000 Left 4 B/PC0 MC2
0x0_A000_0000 0x0_5000_0000 Left 5 B/PC1 MC2
0x0_C000_0000 0x0_6000_0000 Left 6 F/PC0 MC3
0x0_E000_0000 0x0_7000_0000 Left 7 F/PC1 MC3
0x1_0000_0000 0x0_8000_0000 Left 8 C/PC0 MC4
0x1_2000_0000 0x0_9000_0000 Left 9 C/PC1 MC4
0x1_4000_0000 0x0_A000_0000 Left 10 G/PC0 MC5
0x1_6000_0000 0x0_B000_0000 Left 11 G/PC1 MC5
0x1_8000_0000 0x0_C000_0000 Left 12 D/PC0 MC6
0x1_A000_0000 0x0_D000_0000 Left 13 D/PC1 MC6
0x1_C000_0000 0x0_E000_0000 Left 14 H/PC0 MC7
0x1_E000_0000 0x0_F000_0000 Left 15 H/PC1 MC7
0x2_0000_0000 0x1_0000_0000 Right 16 A/PC0 MC8
0x2_2000_0000 0x1_1000_0000 Right 17 A/PC1 MC8
0x2_4000_0000 0x1_2000_0000 Right 18 E/PC0 MC9
0x2_6000_0000 0x1_3000_0000 Right 19 E/PC1 MC9
0x2_8000_0000 0x1_4000_0000 Right 20 B/PC0 MC10
0x2_A000_0000 0x1_5000_0000 Right 21 B/PC1 MC10
0x2_C000_0000 0x1_6000_0000 Right 22 F/PC0 MC11
0x2_E000_0000 0x1_7000_0000 Right 23 F/PC1 MC11
0x3_0000_0000 0x1_8000_0000 Right 24 C/PC0 MC12
0x3_2000_0000 0x1_9000_0000 Right 25 C/PC1 MC12
0x3_4000_0000 0x1_A000_0000 Right 26 G/PC0 MC13
0x3_6000_0000 0x1_B000_0000 Right 27 G/PC1 MC13
0x3_8000_0000 0x1_C000_0000 Right 28 D/PC0 MC14
0x3_A000_0000 0x1_D000_0000 Right 29 D/PC1 MC14
0x3_C000_0000 0x1_E000_0000 Right 30 H/PC0 MC15
0x3_E000_0000 0x1_F000_0000 Right 31 H/PC1 MC15
Note: The AXI Start addresses mentioned in the table are hard coded regardless of how many stacks are enabled.