HDMI Interface Ports - 1.0 English

HDMI GT Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG334)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English
Table 1. HDMI Interface Ports
Port Name I/O Clock Domain Description
tx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tready O GT_TXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tready indicator

<i>: Transceiver channel index

tx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tvalid I GT_TXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tvalid indicator.

<i>: Transceiver channel index

tx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tdata 1 I GT_TXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tdata bus

<i>: Transceiver channel index GT Mapping: TXDATA_IN

tx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tuser I GT_TXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tuser bus

<i>: Transceiver channel index


rx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tready I GT_RXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tready indicator

<i>: Transceiver channel index

rx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tvalid O GT_RXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tvalid indicator.

<i>: Transceiver channel index

rx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tdata 2 O GT_RXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tdata bus

<i>: Transceiver channel index GT Mapping: RXDATAOUT

rx_axi4s_ch<i>_ tuser O GT_RXUSRCLK AXI4-Stream tuser bus

<i>: Transceiver channel index


  1. Width = TX_DATA_WIDTH = 40
  2. Width = RX_DATA_WIDTH = 40
Note: If the lanes are swapped on board due to PCB routing, the same can be offset by swapping the GT interfaces between the HDMI GT Controller and the GT Quad.