Document Filters - 1.4 English

Xilinx Documentation Navigator User Guide

Document ID
Release Date
1.4 English

The Filter Panel is located on the left side of the Catalog Viewer and is used to control which documents are visible in the Grid View.

Product Type Checkboxes filters the visibility of documents as per the supported products.

  • To select only one product type and deselect all others, click the green arrow icon located to the right of the product type checkbox.
  • Right-click the product type filter to open Manage Document Visibility. This dialog box is used to hide documents or design hubs within a specific product or document type that you do not use.
  • Deselect a product or document type from the Available Product and Available Document Types to hide the documents that you do not use.
    • Hidden documents are not displayed in the catalog view
    • Hidden documents are not available for downloading or searching.
    • Filters associated with hidden documents are removed from the documents filter pane.
      Note: To restore the visibility of hidden documents, select the product or document type.

Document Type Checkboxes filters the visibility of items in the Grid View based on document type.

  • To select only one document type and deselect all others, click the green arrow icon located to the right of the document type checkbox.
  • If no document type checkboxes are selected, the Grid View appears empty.
  • All three filters work in unison.
    • Only documents belonging to the selected products and the selected document types are displayed.
    • All other documents are removed from the Grid View making it easier to navigate and find documents of interest.

Design processes Checkboxes filters the documents by the design processes associated with the document.

Filter Groups are used to save and restore the state of the Filter Panel checkboxes.

  • Right click on filter pane and select Save Current Setting as. The saved filters will populate in the feild group drop down list in the main tool bar.
    • Enter an appropriate name for the filter group. The filter group is now saved and will remain unless deleted by the user.
  • Filter groups are selected using the Filter Group combo box on the Main Toolbar.
  • To update a filter group with new settings, right-click and select Save Settings.
  • To remove or rename a filter group, right-click and select Manage Filter Groups.
  • To make any modifications to the saved filter settings, you must make the changes and right-click the filter pane, and then click Save Current Filter Settings to.. to do an explicit save. This means if the application is closed and reopened the checkboxes revert to the last user saved state.