Baremetal Drivers and Libraries

Release Date
  • XilSecure authentication APIs supports RSA-4096 and RSA-2048 only
  • XilSecure authentication APIs expect key parameters modulus, exponent and exponentiation values as an input.

    Initialization Functions


    Initializes RSA instance

    Encryption Functions
    XSecure_RsaPublicEncrypt This function handles the RSA signature encryption with public key components provide at XSecure_RsaInitialize() API

    Decryption Functions


    Decrypts the input data

    XSecure_RsaPrivateDecrypt This function handles the RSA signature decryption with private key components provide at XSecure_RsaInitialize() API

    Sign Verification Functions


    Verifies the RSA decrypted data provided is matching with the provided expected hash by taking care of PKCS padding