Frame Scaling or Resizing:

Linux Drivers

Release Date

This media-ctl and yavta commands capture frames down scaled from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 in RGB888 format.

#VPSS: Scaler Only with CSC Upscale from 720p to 1080p and changing the color space from RGB to YUV 4:2:0
media-ctl -d /dev/media7 -V '"a0080000.v_proc_ss":0  [fmt:RBG888_1X24/1280x720 field:none]'
media-ctl -d /dev/media7 -V '"a0080000.v_proc_ss":1  [fmt:VYYUYY8_1X24/1920x1080 field:none]'

Sr No. Video Input Resolution Video Output Resolution
1. 1280x720 1920x1080
2. 1280x720 3840x2160
3. 3840x2160 1920x1080
4. 640x480 1280x720
Generally arbitrary scaling resolutions are also supported