How to capture vphy state machine logs

Linux Drivers

Release Date

Run below command to print the vphy state machine logs or vphy information

# For Logs, run anyone of the below. It will give logs for both TX and RX state machine logs of vphy. Do note that its a destructive logging. Once you run below command, the logs buffer will become empty.
cat /sys/devices/platform/amba_pl\@0/80080000.v_hdmi_tx_ss/vphy_info
cat /sys/devices/platform/amba_pl\@0/80000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss/vphy_log

# For vphy info, run below commands
cat /sys/devices/platform/amba_pl\@0/80080000.v_hdmi_tx_ss/vphy_log
cat /sys/devices/platform/amba_pl\@0/80000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss/vphy_info