OSL Flow

Linux Drivers

Release Date

Setup and Build: OSL

Images required for testing the FPGA Manager

  • Bin/Bit file
  • DTBO file

DTBO File Generation:

  1. Steps to Create the DT-Overlay Fragment
    1. Clone the device-tree-xlnx repo: git clone device-tree-xlnx.git
    2. Helper script: dt_overlay.tcl
      1. Command: # xsct dt_overaly.tcl system.hdf psu_cortexa53_0 device-tree-xlnx output_dir

Ex: xsct dt_overaly.tcl system.hdf psu_cortexa53_0 ${DTS_REPO}/device-tree-xlnx overlay

2. Create Device Tree Overlay Blob (.dtbo) file from the pl.dtsi file

# dtc -O dtb -o pl.dtbo -b 0 -@ pl.dtsi

Ex: ./scripts/dtc/dtc -O dtb -o pl.dtbo -b 0 -@ pl.dtsi

3. Copy the generated bit and dtbo files to target

Note: PL nodes should not be the part of Base Device-tree (system.dtb).

  • If the PL nodes are part of static dtb (system.dtb), these nodes cannot be removed at run-time.