Testing Procedure

Linux Drivers

Release Date
insmod configfs.ko
insmod libcomposite.ko
insmod u_ether.ko
insmod usb_f_rndis.ko
mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget
mkdir g1
cd g1
echo "64" > bMaxPacketSize0
echo "0x200" > bcdUSB
echo "0x100" > bcdDevice
echo "0x03FD" > idVendor
echo "0x0502" > idProduct
mkdir configs/c1.1
mkdir functions/rndis.rn0
ln -s functions/rndis.rn0/ configs/c1.1/
echo "fe200000.dwc3" > UDC
ifconfig usb0
ifconfig usb0 up
  1. Connect the cable from board to windows/linux host machine
  2. Set the ipaddress on device side systest# ifconfig usb0
  3. Set the ipaddress on host side
  4. ping host address from device side and the result should be ass below mentioned ping <host address>

Expected Output: