Build and Run the Program - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  • Copy the files in src and dat to your project. Set the Top-Level File to src/tb.cpp.

  • Since we are only interested in functional verification now, we use Emulation-SW to build and run the program.

  • If the program builds and runs without errors, the output should be Emulation-SW/x86simulator_output/output.dat.

  • Copy the generated impresponse.dat file to the data directory.

  • We can use Julia to verify the kernel output.

julia> using PyPlot
julia> using DelimitedFiles
julia> ref = readdlm("{specify_directory}/impresponse.dat");
julia> dut = readdlm("{specify_directory}/output.dat");
julia> err = ref - dut;
julia> plot(err);
julia> grid("on");
julia> title("Impulse Response Error");
julia> xlabel("Sampling Index");
julia> ylabel("Error");
julia> eps(Float32)
julia> maximum(abs.(err))

You may also try modifying and running check.jl.

$ julia
julia> include("check.jl")
# type Ctrl-D to exit Julia

The resulting Julia plot of the impulse response error should look something like that shown below: Fig. 2

Since the maximum absolute error is less than the machine epsilon for binary32 (Float32 in Julia), we can conclude that the kernel code is working as expected.

The complete design is included in the data and src directories. Refer to the aie_exp/Part1 tutorial if you are unfamiliar with building an AMD Vitis™ design from scratch.