Coefficients and Data Update Scheduling - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Before the first iteration of the delay-line, the status is read to update the Y register. It contains all the necessary previous data: { d(-32), d(-31), ... , d(-2), d(-1)}. The first output is the result of the following operation:

y(0) = d(-31).c(0) + d(-30).c(1) + ... + d(-1).c(30) + d(0).c(31)

where the array c is the array of coefficients. Use a table to organize operations scheduling (excel for example):

missing image

This image represents the following equation:

missing image

Following this first mul4 operation 15 mac4 operations should be used to finish the computation of {y(0), y(1), y(2), y(3)}.

Use darker and darker green to represent the next three mac4 operations.

missing image

With these operations performed, the eight coefficients that were in the the v8cint16 have been used, and it is time to update them. These operations should be followed by eight mac4 operations:

missing image

The next block of four mac4 operations will wrap around and reuse the begining of the data register. It is time to load four new samples from the stream and finish the operations:

missing image

Now that the computation of {y(0), y(1), y(2), y(3)} has been completed, the next four outputs {y(4), y(5), y(6), y(7)} have to be computed. As can be seen in the previous image, the next computation must start with index 5 in the data register. As in the previous set of output samples, the data register is updated just before the group of four mac4:

missing image

To have a regular inner loop, 32 output samples (eight groups of four) are computed in the inner loop.

Now take a look at the related C code to implement all these operations. The program takes advantage of the templatization of the function and of the inclusion of the state in the class itself:

namespace SingleStream {

template<int NSamples,int ShiftAcc>
class FIR_SingleStream {
	alignas(32) cint16 weights[32];
	alignas(32) cint16 delay_line[32];

	FIR_SingleStream(const cint16 (&taps)[32])
		for(int i=0;i<32;i++)
			weights[i] = taps[i];
			delay_line[i] = (cint16){0,0};

	void filter(input_stream_cint16*  sin,output_stream_cint16*  sout);

	static void registerKernelClass()


The taps are provided during the instantiation of the class. The constructor initializes the internal array and sets the delay line to zero. In the template, two arguments define the number of iterations of the inner loop and the shifting value that is applied to the accumulator before sending the calculated y-values to the output stream.

Function, declaration, and variable initialization are as follows:

template <int NSamples,int ShiftAcc>
void FIR_SingleStream<NSamples,ShiftAcc>::filter(input_stream_cint16* sin,output_stream_cint16* sout)
	v8cint16 *coeff =  (v8cint16*) weights;
	v8cint16 taps = undef_v8cint16();
	v32cint16 *ptr_delay_line = (v32cint16 *)delay_line;
	v32cint16 data = *ptr_delay_line;

	v4cacc48 acc = undef_v4cacc48();

The function filter has two stream arguments: sin and sout for stream-in and stream-out. The pointers to the coefficients and the data are prepared so that they can be loaded using pointer addressing.

// Computes 32 samples per iteration
	for(int i=0;i<NSamples/32;i++)
        taps =  *coeff++;   // Get the coefficients for the Green block
        acc = mul4(data,1,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,3+2,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,5,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,7,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1);

        taps =  *coeff++;   // get the coefficients for the Blue block
        acc = mac4(acc,data,9,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,11,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,13,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,15,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1);

        taps =  *coeff++;   // Get the coefficients for the yellow-brown block
        acc = mac4(acc,data,17,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,19,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,21,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,23,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1);

        data = upd_v(data,0,readincr_v4(sin));  // Update the data register

        taps =  *coeff++;   // Get the coefficients for the Grey block
        acc = mac4(acc,data,25,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,27,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,29,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);
        acc = mac4(acc,data,31,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1);

        writeincr_v4(sout,srs(acc,ShiftAcc)); // Write on the output stream
        coeff -= 4;     // Realign the coefficients pointer

These four blocks have to be written eight times with different parameters to compute the 32 output samples. In the published code, two macros are defined to make this exercise a little easier:

#define MULMAC(N) \
		taps =  *coeff++; \
		acc = mul4(data,N,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1); \
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+2,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);\
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+4,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);\
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+6,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1)

#define MACMAC(N) \
		taps =  *coeff++; \
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N,0x3210,1,taps,0,0x0000,1); \
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+2,0x3210,1,taps,2,0x0000,1);\
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+4,0x3210,1,taps,4,0x0000,1);\
		acc = mac4(acc,data,N+6,0x3210,1,taps,6,0x0000,1)