FFT Function - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The fftRow function is defined in the following example:

#if FFT_2D_DT == 0 // cint16 datatype

   void fftRow(
         bool direction,
         cmpxDataIn   in[MAT_COLS],
         cmpxDataOut out[MAT_COLS],
         bool* ovflo)

#else // cfloat datatype

   void fftRow(
         bool direction,
         cmpxDataIn   in[MAT_COLS],
         cmpxDataOut out[MAT_COLS])

   #pragma HLS dataflow
   configRow_t fft_config;
   statusRow_t fft_status;
   cmpxDataOut inp_fft[MAT_COLS];
   #pragma HLS STREAM variable=inp_fft depth=2
   cmpxDataOut out_fft[MAT_COLS];
   #pragma HLS STREAM variable=out_fft depth=2
   fftRow_init(direction, &fft_config);
   // FFT IP
   //copyRow_inp(in, inp_fft);
   //hls::fft<configRow>(inp_fft, out_fft, &fft_status, &fft_config);
   //copyRow_out(out_fft, out);
   hls::fft<configRow>(in, out, &fft_status, &fft_config);
   #if FFT_2D_DT == 0 // cint16 datatype
      fftRow_status(&fft_status, ovflo);