REV0: vck190_v1_0_wrapper_timing_summary_routed.rpt - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Scroll down to the Design Timing Summary section in the timing summary report. You will see that rev1 has a WNS and TNS, which are both zero. This indicates that the rev0 build meets timing.

| Design Timing Summary
| ---------------------

    WNS(ns)      TNS(ns)  TNS Failing Endpoints  TNS Total Endpoints      WHS(ns)      THS(ns)  THS Failing Endpoints  THS Total Endpoints     WPWS(ns)     TPWS(ns)  TPWS Failing Endpoints  TPWS Total Endpoints  
    -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------      -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------     --------     --------  ----------------------  --------------------  
     0.000     0.000                   0             644155        0.000        0.000                      0               634939        0.000        0.000                       0                274428  