Step 2. Build the Baremetal AI Engine Control Application - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Create a new application by clicking File → New Component → Application.

  2. Set the name for the application to A-to-Z_app and click Next.

  3. Select AIE_A-to-Z_pfm_vck190 as the platform and click Next.

  4. Select the A72_0 processor domain (standalone_psv_cortexa72_0), and click Next and then Finish.

  5. Right-click the src folder under the A-to-Z_app project, and click Import → Files.

  6. Import the aie_control.cpp file from the AI Engine application project (simple_application/build/hw/Work/ps/c_rts/aie_control.cpp).

  7. Import main.cpp from the src folder from the git repository.

    Go through the main.cpp file. You can see that the code is initializing the input data and the memory space for the output data. One thing to note is the use of the .init() and .run() APIs to control the AI Engine.

    printf("Starting AIE Graph\n");
    printf("Graph Initialization\n");
    printf("Done \n");
    printf("- \n");
    printf("Running Graph for 4 iterations\n");;

    There are two options to enable an AI Engine graph from a system:

    • Enable the graph in the PDI. This means that the graph will be started during BOOT and will run forever.

    • Enable the AI Engine graph from the PS program using the <graph>.init() and <graph>.run() APIs. This is what you are using in this case.

  8. Under the A-to-Z_app component open UserConfig.cmake under Settings. In the Directories section add the following directories under Include Paths (-I).

    • <workspace>/simple_aie_application/src

    • $ENV{XILINX_VITIS}/aietools/include

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  1. Still in the UserConfig.cmake file, in the Libraries section add

    • adf_api under Libraries (-l)

    • $ENV{XILINX_VITIS}/aietools/lib/aarchnone64.o under Library search path (-L)

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  1. Modify the Linker Script to increase the heap size for AIE library.

    • In the Project Explorer, expand the A-to-z_app component.

    • In the src directory, double-click lscript.ld to open the linker script for this project.

    • In the linker script modify the Heap size to 0x100000 (1MB).

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  2. Build the A72 PS component (A-to-Z_app).