Streaming Connections - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The sc switch defines connections between the ports of the AI Engine graph and the streaming ports of PL kernels. The first set of sc connections are between the dlbf_data PL kernel instances and the AI Engine dlbfid (input data) ports. The next set of connections are between the dlbf_coeffs PL kernels and the AI Engine dlbfic (input coefficient) ports. The AI Engine ports are connected to the PL kernels’ M00_AXIS (master AXI4-Stream) ports.

The next connections are between the AI Engine dlbfo (output) ports and the dlbf_slave instances. The AI Engine ports are connected to the PL kernels’ S_AXIS (slave AXI4-Stream) ports.

The config.ini file repeats this connection scheme for all three instances of the DLBF system and for all three ULBF systems as well.