Sub-Function Details - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

The fft_rows and fft_cols functions are similar in structure except for the configured FFT point and loop bounds for data reading and writing. As detailed in the following example, fft_rows reads the data, performs FFT, and writes out the data (directionStub=1/0 means FFT/IFFT, and ovfloStub is returned when FFT is done and indicates whether overflow has happened):

void fft_rows(
      hls::stream<qdma_axis<128, 0, 0, 0>> &strm_inp,
      hls::stream<qdma_axis<128, 0, 0, 0>> &strm_out
   LOOP_FFT_ROWS:for(int i = 0; i < MAT_ROWS; ++i) {
      #pragma HLS DATAFLOW
      #pragma HLS loop_tripcount min=32 max=1024
      #if FFT_2D_DT == 0 // cint16 datatype
         cmpxDataIn in[MAT_COLS];
         #pragma HLS STREAM variable=in depth=1024
         //#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=in cyclic factor=4 dim=1
         cmpxDataOut out[MAT_COLS];
         #pragma HLS STREAM variable=out depth=1024
         //#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=out cyclic factor=4 dim=1
      #else // cfloat datatype
         cmpxDataIn in[MAT_COLS] __attribute__((no_ctor));
         #pragma HLS STREAM variable=in depth=512
         //#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=in cyclic factor=2 dim=1
         cmpxDataOut out[MAT_COLS] __attribute__((no_ctor));
         #pragma HLS STREAM variable=out depth=512
         //#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=out cyclic factor=2 dim=1
      bool directionStub = 1;
      #if FFT_2D_DT == 0 // cint16 datatype
         bool ovfloStub;
      readIn_row(strm_inp, in);
      #if FFT_2D_DT == 0 // cint16 datatype
         fftRow(directionStub, in, out, &ovfloStub);
      #else // cfloat datatype
         fftRow(directionStub, in, out);
      writeOut_row(strm_out, out);