XSDB Flow - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
  1. Program the device using the sd_card image, and remove any xrt.ini files in the sd_card to avoid misbehavior with the XSDB commands.

  2. Target connection setup: Run the hardware server from the computer that connects to the target board. To do so, launch the hardware server from the computer that has a JTAG connection to the VCK190 board. launch hardware server

  3. Go to the directory where the AI Engine compile Work/directory is present, and launch XSDB.

  4. From the XSDB terminal, issue the following commands from the XSDB prompt:

    %xsdb connect -url TCP:${COMPUTER NAME/IP}:3121
    %xsdb ta
    %xsdb ta 1
    %xsdb source $::env(XILINX_VITIS)/scripts/vitis/util/aie_trace.tcl
    %xsdb aietrace start -graphs mygraph -link-summary ./tutorial.xsa.link_summary -base-address 0x900000000 -depth 0x800000 -graph-based-aie-tile-metrics "all:all:functions_all_stalls"
    • -base-address 0x900000000 is the address that needs to avoid collision with your design.

    • -depth 0x8000000 is the size of the event trace file. Adjust accordingly with your design size and amount of the event trace data.

  5. After the above aietrace start command is run, switch to the hardware Linux console, and run the application.

    cd /run/media/mmcblk0p1
    ./host.exe a.xclbin
  6. After the design run completes on the hardware, stop the trace using aietrace stop. The generated events and run_summary files need to be collected and are ready to be examined.

  7. Inspect the generated events and run_summary files.(aie_trace_N.txt and aie_trace_profile.run_summary) in your local workspace where XSDB is launched.

  8. Open the aie_trace_profile.run_summary file in the Vitis Analyzer, and observe the results as explained in the XRT flow.