make graph: Creating the AI Engine ADF Graph for Vitis Compiler Flow - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

An ADF graph can be connected to an extensible Vitis platform (the graph I/Os can be connected either to platform ports or to ports on Vitis kernels through Vitis compiler connectivity directives).

  • The AI Engine ADF C++ graph of the design contains AI Engine kernels and PL kernels.

  • All interconnects between kernels are defined in the C++ graph

  • All interconnections to external I/O are fully specified in the C++ simulation testbench (graph.cpp) that instantiates the C++ ADF graph object.

To compile the graph using the Makefile flow type (default TARGET=hw_emu, GEMM_INSTS=1, GEMM_SIZE=32, ITER_CNT=1 and EN_TRACE=0):

make graph

The following AI Engine compiler command, alongwith the options used, compiles the AI Engine design graph:

AIE_FLAGS := -include=$(AIE_SRC_REPO)
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/include/aie
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/src/aie
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/tests/aie/inc
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L1/tests/aie/src
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L2/include/aie
AIE_FLAGS += -include=$(DSPLIB_ROOT)/L2/tests/aie/common/inc
AIE_FLAGS += --verbose
AIE_FLAGS += --Xpreproc="-DITER_CNT=$(ITER_CNT)"
AIE_FLAGS += --platform=$(PLATFORM)
AIE_FLAGS += --log-level=5
AIE_FLAGS += --test-iterations=2
AIE_FLAGS += --pl-freq=$(PL_FREQ)
AIE_FLAGS += --dataflow

AIE_FLAGS += --constraints=$(AIE_SRC_REPO)/constraints.aiecst

AIE_FLAGS += --Xmapper=BufferOptLevel9
AIE_FLAGS += --Xrouter=DMAFIFOsInFreeBankOnly

AIE_FLAGS += --workdir=$(WORK_DIR)

AIE_SIM_FLAGS := --pkg-dir $(WORK_DIR)/

graph: $(LIBADF_A)

$(LIBADF_A):  $(AIE_SRC_REPO)/graph.*
	mkdir -p $(BUILD_TARGET_DIR); \
	aiecompiler $(AIE_FLAGS) $(GRAPH_SRC_CPP) 2>&1 | tee -a aiecompiler.log

See this page for full AI Engine programming environment documentation.

The following table provides a summary of the switches used.

Switch Description
--include=\<string> Specify compile-time include directory (zero or more).
--verbose|-v Verbose output of the AI Engine compiler emits compiler messages at various stages of compilation. These debug and tracing logs provide useful messages on the compilation process.
--Xpreproc="-D\<Pre-processor Macro String>" Specify compile time macro.
--Xchess="\<Chess Make Options>" Specify compile time chess make options; "main:bridge.llibs=softfloat m" enables floating point operations.
--heapsize=\<int> Heap size in bytes.
--log-level=\<int> Log level for verbose logging (default=1).
--workdir=\<string> By default, the compiler writes all outputs to a sub-directory of the current directory, called Work. Use this option to specify a different output directory.

The following is a description of the output objects that results from executing the AI Engine compiler (aiecompiler) command.

Inputs Sources Description
$(AIE_SRC_REPO)/graph.cpp Defines the GeMM graph objects.
Output Objects Description
$(BUILD_TARGET_DIR)/libadf.a Compiled AI Engine design graph.
$(BUILD_TARGET_DIR)/Work/ Directory that contains all outputs of the AI Engine compiler.
make xsa: Using the Vitis Tools to Link AI Engine and HLS Kernels with the Platform