make run_emu: Run Hardware Emulation - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: AI Engine (XD100)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

After packaging, everything is set to run emulation or hardware. To run emulation use the following command (default TARGET=hw_emu, N_FIR_FILTERS=1, N_FIR_TAPS=15, EN_TRACE=0):

make run_emu


cd build/fir_$(N_FIR_TAPS)_taps/x$(N_FIR_FILTERS)_firs/hw_emu/package

When launched, you will see the QEMU simulator load. Wait for the autoboot countdown to go to zero, and after a few minutes, you will see the root Linux prompt come up:


In some cases, the following error might come up on the screen:

root@versal-rootfs-common-2023_2:~## xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
Enabling notebook extension jupyter-js-widgets/extension...
      - Validating: OK
[C 13:46:09.233 NotebookApp] Bad config encountered during initialization:
[C 13:46:09.239 NotebookApp] No such notebook dir: ''/usr/share/example-notebooks''

The error can be ignored. Press to return to the root prompt.

After the root prompt comes up, run the following commands to run the design:

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
./fir_hls_xrt.elf a.xclbin

The fir_hls_xrt.elf should execute, and after a few minutes, you should see the output with TEST PASSED on the console. When this is shown, run the following keyboard command to exit the QEMU instance:

#To exit QEMU Simulation
Press Ctrl-A, let go of the keyboard, and then press x

To run with waveform do the following:

cd build/fir_$(N_FIR_TAPS)_taps/x$(N_FIR_FILTERS)_firs/hw_emu/package
./ -g

The XSIM Waveform Viewer is launched. Drag and drop the signals into the Viewer and click Play to start the emulation. Go back to the terminal and wait for the Linux prompt to show up.

In the XSIM Waveform Viewer, you will see the signals you added to the waveform adjusting over the execution of the design. Once done, hit the pause button and close the window to end the emulation.

TARGET=hw: Run on Hardware