Run a L1 Example - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English

Run command make run TARGET=<target>

$ make run TARGET=csim                                 # Run C level simulation of the HLS code
$ make run TARGET=cosim                                # Run RTL level simulation of the HLS code

$ make cleanall                                        # Delete generated files

TARGET can be any of the following values:

  • csim (high level simulation)
  • csynth (high level synthesis to RTL)
  • cosim (cosimulation between software testbench and generated RTL)
  • vivado_syn (synthesis by Vivado)
  • vivado_impl (implementation by Vivado)

L1 HLS cases have been ported to V++ Unified Command for compilation and execution, and the vitis_hls executable is being deprecated.

Note: The TCL file for vitis_hls executable will not be used in the current Makefile, but it will be kept until the 2024.2 release. Until then, to run the TCL command, do the following:

$ cd <case folder>
$ vitis-run --tcl --mode hls run_hls.tcl # recommended for 2023.2 and onwards
$ vitis_hls -f run_hls.tcl # will be deprecated in 2024.2