Implementation - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English

The decision tree training engine (for both classfication and regression) is shown in the figure below:

Figure 1 Decision Tree Training architecture on FPGA

As we can see from Figure 1, decision tree training engine is an iteration processing, in which one round has three main modules:Predict, dispatch, CIG(Compute Info Gain), and UpdateTree. Stop conditions of decision tree training engine includes: Max depth of Decision Tree, Min instance number in Per Node and Min Info Gain. In one training round, Predict, dispatch and CIG are located in dataflow region. Samples, parameters and final decision tree are saved in 512-bit width DDR arrays. Predict module uses same design method of Decision Tree Predicting in L1, this module is used to predict which node a sample locates in, if the node is not in current tree layer, the sample will be discard.

Detailed implementations can be found at the bottom of Figure 2, dispatch module inputs raw sample streams, and outputs a fixed number of streams. Number of output streams are same with the array length in the middle of dispatch detailed module. Suppose the \(i-th\) element in the dispatching array is \(n\), data of \(i-th\) output stream will come from \(n-th\) input stream.

In CIG module of decision tree classification, statistic count and Gini are main parallel design. Count module takes corresponding input and judges if make a adder operation on its URAM elements. Then, each URAM array is read by Gini Unit to compute info gain. Finally, all the info gains are merged to compute the max one and output into UpdateTree module. For regression, the layout of URAM array is like that in classification implementation. The depth of each URAM element is changed to max_parallel_node_num * 9, and the data width of each URAM is 288bits which can be breakdown in the Figure 3.

Figure 2 shows the parallel designing using URAM.

Figure 2 URAM elements on FPGA
Figure 3 Data layout in URAM elements for regression

There are \(max_split_num\) URAM, so sum of all the feature splits will be limited by this value. Only for regression, an extra \(max_split_para\) parameter is used to control the number of feature split in parallel. As a result, it requires \((split_num+max_split_para-1)/max_split_para\) rounds of iteration to find the best candidate feature spilt for each node. Each count maintains a URAM array, the URAM arrays store all the \(max_parallel_node_num\) statistic info for computing info gain. In training processing, Suppose node number of current tree layer is \(N\), after \((N+max_parallel_node_num-1)/max_parallel_node_num\) rounds of iteration, all the nodes in current layer complete splitting.

In decision tree function, the first row of data array (ddr buffer) is reserved. From the second row, instances are closely arranged in rows.Figure 4~5 shows the config and tree layout of decision tree.

Figure 4 config layout
Figure 5 tree layout


Current decisiontree limitations: max feature num is 64, max total split num of all feautures is 128, max tree node in each tree is 4096.