2021.2 - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English

Following is the 2021.2 release notes.

  • ZSTD Quad-Core Compression
    Created ZSTD Multi-Core architecture to provide high throughput for single file compression. Using Zstd Quad core solution, user can get throughput > 1 GB/s.
  • Zstd Decompress Improvement
    ZSTD Decompress optimized in this release. Overall resource is reduced to 19.6K and achieve 20% higher throughput compare to previous release.
  • GZIP Decompress Improvement
    Re-architected GZIP Decompress cores to reduce resource to 6.9K and better throughput compare to previous release. With this new latency overall IP latency is also reduced to ~1.5K cycle. Provided ZLIB decompression containing ADLR32 Checksum to catch any error in input file. Added functionality to provide uncompressed size in output stream port TUSER (incase end application needs to know uncompressed size).
  • GZIP Compression Improvement
    • Created various ZLIB/GZIP Octa-Core Compression Kernels for different block sizes (8KB, 16KB, 32KB) and achieved > 2GB/s throughput for all variants. Updated IP core to provided compressed size in output axis stream TUSER port (incase any application needs compressed size).
    • Huffman TreeGen latency is reduced significantly < 1K, as a result, for multi-core architectures (Octa-core), a single Treegen is required. This reduce the resource requirement signficantly down for 8KB and 16KB blocksize compression core compare to previous release solution.
    • Compression ratio is improved from 2.67 to 2.7 for Silesia Fileset for 32KB bloksize.
  • Snappy/LZ4 Decompress Improvement
    Optimized Snappy and LZ4 Decompress throughput.