Benchmark Result - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English


The dataset used in the benchmark can be downloaded from


For representing the resource utilization in each benchmark, we separate the overall utilization into 2 parts, where P stands for the resource usage in platform, that is those instantiated in static region of the FPGA card, as well as K represents those used in kernels (dynamic region). The target device is set to Alveo U280.

Table 196 Table 1 Performance on FPGA
Architecture Dataset Latency(ms) Timing LUT(P/K) BRAM(P/K) URAM(P/K) DSP(P/K)
SPMV (U280) nasa2910 0.0512565 256MHz 165.475K/220.98K 323/211 64/64 4/900

These are details for benchmark results and usage steps.

Test Overview

Here are benchmarks of the Vitis Sparse Library using the Vitis environment.

Vitis Sparse Library

  • Download code

These sparse benchmarks can be downloaded from vitis libraries main branch.

git clone
cd Vitis_Libraries
git checkout main
cd sparse
  • Setup environment

Specifying the corresponding Vitis, XRT, and path to the platform repository by running following commands.

source <intstall_path>/Vitis/2022.2/
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms

Python3 environment: follow the steps as per to set up Python3 environment.