INIT_XX - UltraRAM Content Initialization

Versal ACAP Memory Resources Architecture Manual (AM007)

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1.1 English

The memory content can be initialized or cleared in the configuration bitstream with the INIT_0000 - INIT_3FFF (1024) attributes or by reading a file with the INIT_FILE attribute. Each INIT_XXX is a 72-digit hexadecimal-encoded bit vector. The memory contents can be partially initialized and are automatically completed with zeros. Each INIT_XXX attribute contains 32 bits of parity from bit locations 287:256 and 256 bits of data from bit locations 255:0 as shown in the following tables. Used UltraRAM blocks not initialized in the design are automatically initialized with 0 during configuration and are not part of the bitstream. Therefore, the bitstream size varies depending on the number of user-initialized UltraRAM blocks.

Table 1. UltraRAM INIT Attribute (General Format)
Attribute Parity Location Data Location
  X72 - D[71:64] * 4 X72 - D[63:0] * 4
  X36 - D[35:32] * 8 X72 - D[31:0] * 8
  X18 - D[17:16] * 16 X72 - D[15:0] * 16
  X9 - D[8] * 32 X72 - D[7:0] * 32
INIT_001 287:256 255:000
INIT_000 575:544 543:288
INIT_3FF 294911:294889 294879:294624
Table 2. UltraRAM Detailed Initialization
INIT_000 x72 x36 x18 x9
Parity [287:256] A[15:3] = 12'h003 A[15:3] = 12'h002 A[15:3] = 12'h001 A[15:3] = 12'h000 D[71:64] A[2] = 1, D[35:32] A[2:1] = 11, D[17:16] A[2:0] = 111, D[8]
A[2:0] = 110, D[8]
A[2:1] = 10, D[17:16] A[2:0] = 101, D[8]
A[2:0] = 100, D[8]
A[2] = 0, D[35:32] A[2:1] = 01, D[17:16] A[2:0] = 011, D[8]
A[2:0] = 010, D[8]
A[2:1] = 00, D[17:16] A[2:0] = 001, D[8]
A[2:0] = 000, D[8]
Data [255:000] A[15:3] = 12'h003 A[15:3] = 12'h002 A[15:3] = 12'h001 A[15:3] = 12'h000 D[63:0] A[2] = 1, D[31:0] A[2:1] = 11, D[15:0] A[2:0] = 111, D[7:0]
A[2:0] = 110, D[7:0]
A[2:1] = 10, D[15:0] A[2:0] = 101, D[7:0]
A[2:0] = 100, D[7:0]
A[2] = 0, D[31:0] A[2:1] = 01, D[15:0] A[2:0] = 011, D[7:0]
A[2:0] = 010, D[7:0]
A[2:1] = 00, D[15:0] A[2:0] = 001, D[7:0]
A[2:0] = 000, D[7:0]