por_hnf_sf_cxg_blocked_ways_u_hnf_nid40 (CPM4_CMN600) Register

Versal Adaptive SoC Register Reference (AM012)

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por_hnf_sf_cxg_blocked_ways_u_hnf_nid40 (CPM4_CMN600) Register Description

Register Namepor_hnf_sf_cxg_blocked_ways_u_hnf_nid40
Relative Address0x0000500F00
Absolute Address 0x00FC500F00 (CPM4_CMN)
TypemixedMixed types. See bit-field details.
Reset Value0x00000000
DescriptionSpecifies the SF ways that are blocked for remote chip to use in CML mode.

por_hnf_sf_cxg_blocked_ways_u_hnf_nid40 (CPM4_CMN600) Register Bit-Field Summary

Field NameBitsTypeReset ValueDescription
Reserved63:2razRead as zero0x0reserved
sf_blocked_ways 1:0rwNormal read/write0x0Number of SF ways blocked for remote chips to use in CML mode (0, 4, 8, or 12) 2b00: No ways are blocked; all 16 SF ways could be used by local or remote RN-Fs 2b01: Lower 4 ways are blocked from remote RN-Fs; ways 3:0 for local RN-Fs only; ways 15:4 for local and remote RN-Fs 2b10: Lower 8 ways are blocked from remote RN-Fs; ways 7:0 for local RN-Fs only; ways 15:8 for local and remote RN-Fs 2b11: Lower 12 ways are blocked from remote RN-Fs; ways 11:0 for local RN-Fs only; ways 15:12 for local and remote RN-Fs