Overview of Major Changes since version 11.0 - 11.1 English

Aurora 8B/10B LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG046)

Document ID
Release Date
11.1 English

The major change to the core is the addition of the AXI4-Stream interface:

Flow control interface ports mapped to the standard AXI4-Stream interface.

Single-ended clock option added to core init_clk and gt_refclk.

GT selection option for the UltraScale device added to the core.

All reset inputs made asynchronous.

Standard CC module made part of IP; do_cc and warn_cc ports removed.

Single-ended clocking option added to the core when shared logic is in the core.

All core input and output ports grouped as interfaces.

Line rate value restricted to 4 decimal digits for UltraScale devices.

INIT clock frequency value restricted to 6 decimal digits.