Type Definitions - 7.2 English

FIR Compiler (PG149)

Document ID
Release Date
7.2 English

Table: Constants lists the C Model type definitions.

Table 5-4: Type Definitions

Field Name


General types

typedef double xip_real

Scalar type alias

typedef unsigned integer xip_uint

Integer type alias

typedef struct xip_complex

Complex data type

typedef mpz_t xip_mpz

MPIR [Ref 14] integer type alias

typedef struct xip_mpz_complex

Complex type based on xip_mpz

typedef int xip_status

Result code from API functions

typedef struct _xip_fir_v7_2 xip_fir_v7_2

Handle type to refer to an instance of the model

typdef enum xip_fir_v7_2_pattern

Defines enumerated values for all the advance channel patterns

Handler function signatures

typedef void (*xip_msg_handler)(void*
handle, int error,const char* msg)

Interface to a message handler function

typedef void (*xip_array_real_handler)
(const xip_array_real* data, void* handle,
void* opt_arg)

Interface to data packet handler function


typedef struct xip_fir_v7_2_config

Model configuration structure, Table: xip_fir_v7_2_config

typedef struct xip_fir_v7_2_cnfg_packet

Configuration packet structure, Table: xip_fir_v7_2_cnfg_packet

typedef struct xip_fir_v7_2_rld_packet

Reload packet structure, Table: xip_fir_v7_2_rld_packet

Array types

typedef struct xip_array_uint

See Dynamic Arrays

typedef struct xip_array_real

typedef struct xip_array_complex

typedef struct xip_array_mpz