Example Design Description for GTX, GTH, and GTP Transceivers - 3.6 English

7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard (PG168)

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3.6 English

The example design that is delivered with the wrappers helps designers understand how to use the wrappers and transceivers in a design. The example design is shown in This Figure.

Figure 5-1:      Diagram of Example Design and Test Bench

X-Ref Target - Figure 5-1


The example design connects a frame generator and a frame checker to the wrapper. The frame generator transmits an incrementing counting pattern while the frame checker monitors the received data for correctness. The frame generator counting pattern is stored in the block RAM. This pattern can be easily modified by altering the parameters in the gt_rom_init_tx.dat and gt_rom_init_rx.dat files. The frame checker contains the same pattern in the block RAM and compares it with the received data. An error counter in the frame checker keeps a track of how many errors have occurred.

If comma alignment is enabled, the comma character will be placed within the counting pattern. Similarly, if channel bonding is enabled, the channel bonding sequence would be interspersed within the counting pattern.

The frame check works by first scanning the received data for the START_OF_PACKET_CHAR. In 8B/10B designs, this is the comma alignment character. After the START_OF_PACKET_CHAR has been found, the received data will continuously be compared to the counting pattern stored in the block RAM at each RXUSRCLK2 cycle. After comparison has begun, if the received data ever fails to match the data in the block RAM, checking of receive data will immediately stop, an error counter will be incremented and the frame checker will return to searching for the START_OF_PACKET_CHAR.

The example design also demonstrates how to properly connect clocks to transceiver ports TXUSRCLK, TXUSRCLK2, RXUSRCLK and RXUSRCLK2. Properly configured clock module wrappers are also provided if they are required to generate user clocks for the instantiated transceivers. The logic for scrambler, descrambler, and block synchronization is instantiated in the example design for 64B/66B and 64B/67B encoding.

The example design can be synthesized and implemented using the Vivado design tools and then observed in hardware using the Vivado Design Suite debug feature. RX output ports such as RXDATA can be observed on the Vivado Design Suite debug feature ILA core while input ports can be controlled from the Vivado Design Suite debug feature VIO core.

For the example design to work properly in simulation, both the transmit and receive side need to be configured with the same encoding and datapath width in the GUI. In addition, the example design contains the initialization module, which consists of two independent finite state machines (tx_startup_fsm and rx_startup_fsm) and the recclk_monitor block.