AXI4-Lite User Interface Ports - 3.3 English

40G/50G High Speed Ethernet Subsystem v3.3 Product Guide (PG211)

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3.3 English
Table 1. AXI4-Lite User Interface Ports
Name Size I/O Description
S_AXI_ACLK 1 I AXI clock signal
S_AXI_ARESETN 1 I AXI active-Low synchronous reset
S_AXI_PM_TICK 1 I PM tick user input
S_AXI_AWADDR 32 I AXI write address
S_AXI_AWVALID 1 I AXI write address valid
S_AXI_AWREADY 1 O AXI write address ready
S_AXI_WDATA 32 I AXI write data
S_AXI_WSTRB 4 I AXI write strobe. This signal indicates which byte lanes hold valid data.
S_AXI_WVALID 1 I AXI write data valid. This signal indicates that valid write data and strobes are available.
S_AXI_WREADY 1 O AXI write data ready
S_AXI_BRESP 2 O AXI write response. This signal indicates the status of the write transaction.

‘b00 = OKAY ‘b01 = EXOKAY ‘b10 = SLVERR ‘b11 = DECERR

S_AXI_BVALID 1 O AXI write response valid. This signal indicates that the channel is signaling a valid write response.
S_AXI_BREADY 1 I AXI write response ready
S_AXI_ARADDR 32 I AXI read address
S_AXI_ARVALID 1 I AXI read address valid
S_AXI_ARREADY 1 O AXI read address ready
S_AXI_RDATA 32 O AXI read data issued by slave
S_AXI_RRESP 2 O AXI read response. This signal indicates the status of the read transfer.

‘b00 = OKAY ‘b01 = EXOKAY ‘b10 = SLVERR ‘b11 = DECERR

S_AXI_RVALID 1 O AXI read data valid
S_AXI_RREADY 1 I AXI read ready. This signal indicates the user/master can accept the read data and response information.