Receive AXI4-Stream Interface - 3.3 English

40G/50G High Speed Ethernet Subsystem v3.3 Product Guide (PG211)

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3.3 English

The receive AXI4-Stream interface is similar to the transmit side, with the RX data corresponding to the received Ethernet frame. The other signals on the RX AXI bus have a meaning analogous to the signals on the TX bus.

The following table shows the AXI4-Stream receive interface signals.

Table 1. AXI4-Stream Receive Interface Signals
Signal I/O Clock Domain Description
rx_core_clk I All RX AXI signals are referenced to this clock.
rx_axis_tdata[127:0] O rx_core_clk AXI4-Stream Data to user logic.
rx_axis_tuser_tvalid O rx_core_clk AXI4-Stream Data Valid. When this signal is 1, there is valid data on the RX AXI data bus.
rx_axis_tuser_sop0 rx_axis_tuser_sop1 O rx_core_clk This signal, when asserted, indicates the start of a received Ethernet frame.
rx_axis_tuser_eop0 rx_axis_tuser_eop1 O rx_core_clk This signal, when asserted, indicates the end of a received Ethernet frame. There are two bits—one for each segment.
rx_axis_tuser_err0 rx_axis_tuser_err1 O rx_core_clk RX AXI error indication signal.
  • 1 indicates a bad packet has been received.
  • 0 indicates a good packet has been received. There are two bits—one for each segment.
rx_axis_tuser_mty0[2:0] rx_axis_tuser_mty1[2:0] O rx_core_clk

This bus indicates how many bytes of the rx_axis_tdata bus are empty or invalid for the last transfer of the current packet. This bus is only valid during cycles when both rx_axis_tuser_ena and rx_axis_tuser_eop are 1.

There are two bits—one for each segment.

rx_axis_tuser_ena0 rx_axis_tuser_ena1 O rx_core_clk Receive AXI4-Steam Enable for each Segment. When asserted, this signal indicates that data for the associated segment is valid.
Note: In the 128-bit Straddle Packet Interface, the TX AXIS interface is generally synchronous with tx_out_clk and the RX AXIS interface is synchronous with rx_clk_out.