Receive Message Interface - 1.3 English

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Guide (PG213)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

The core provides a separate receive-message interface which the user application can use to receive indications of messages received from the link. When the receive message interface is enabled, the integrated block signals the arrival of a message from the link by setting the cfg_msg_received_type[4:0] output to indicate the type of message (see the following table) and pulsing the cfg_msg_received signal for one or more cycles. The duration of assertion of cfg_msg_received is determined by the type of message received (see Table 1). When cfg_msg_received is active-High, the integrated block transfers any parameters associated with the message on the bus 8 bits at a time on the bus cfg_msg_received_data. The parameters transferred on this bus in each cycle of cfg_msg_received assertion for various message types are listed in the Table 2 table. For Vendor-Defined Messages, the integrated block transfers only the first Dword of any associated payload across this interface. When larger payloads are in use, the completer request interface should be used for the delivery of messages.

Table 1. Message Type Encoding on Receive Message Interface
cfg_msg_received_type[4:0] Message Type
3 Assert_INTA
4 Deassert_ INTA
5 Assert_INTB
6 Deassert_ INTB
7 Assert_INTC
8 Deassert_ INTC
9 Assert_INTD
10 Deassert_ INTD
12 PME_TO_Ack
13 PME_Turn_Off
14 PM_Active_State_Nak
15 Set_Slot_Power_Limit
16 Latency Tolerance Reporting (LTR)
17 Optimized Buffer Flush/Fill (OBFF)
18 Unlock
19 Vendor_Defined Type 0
20 Vendor_Defined Type 1
21 ATS Invalid Request
22 ATS Invalid Completion
23 ATS Page Request
24 ATS PRG Response
25 – 31 Reserved
Table 2. Message Parameters on Receive Message Interface
Message Type Number of Cycles of cfg_msg_received Assertion Parameter Transferred on cfg_msg_received_data[7:0]

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Assert_INTx, Deassert_INTx 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

PM_PME, PME_TO_Ack, PME_Turn_off, PM_Active_State_Nak 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Set_Slot_Power_Limit 6

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Cycle 3: bits [7:0] of payload

Cycle 4: bits [15:8] of payload

Cycle 5: bits [23:16] of payload

Cycle 6: bits [31:24] of payload

Latency Tolerance Reporting (LTR) 6

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Cycle 3: bits [7:0] of Snoop Latency

Cycle 4: bits [15:8] of Snoop Latency

Cycle 5: bits [7:0] of No-Snoop Latency

Cycle 6: bits [15:8] of No-Snoop Latency

Optimized Buffer Flush/Fill (OBFF) 3

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Cycle 3: OBFF Code

Unlock 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Vendor_Defined Type 0 4 cycles when no data present, 8 cycles when data present.

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Cycle 3: Vendor ID[7:0]

Cycle 4: Vendor ID[15:8]

Cycle 5: bits [7:0] of payload

Cycle 6: bits [15:8] of payload

Cycle 7: bits [23:16] of payload

Cycle 8: bits [31:24] of payload

Vendor_Defined Type 1 4 cycles when no data present, 8 cycles when data present.

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

Cycle 3: Vendor ID[7:0]

Cycle 4: Vendor ID[15:8]

Cycle 5: bits [7:0] of payload

Cycle 6: bits [15:8] of payload

Cycle 7: bits [23:16] of payload

Cycle 8: bits [31:24] of payload

ATS Invalid Request 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

ATS Invalid Completion 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

ATS Page Request 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

ATS PRG Response 2

Cycle 1: Requester ID, Bus Number

Cycle 2: Requester ID, Device/Function Number

The following timing diagram showing the example of a Set_Slot_Power_Limit message on the receive message interface. This message has an associated one-Dword payload. For this message, the parameters are transferred over six consecutive cycles. The following information appears on the cfg_msg_received_data bus in each cycle:

  • Cycle 1: Bus number of Requester ID
  • Cycle 2: Device/Function Number of Requester ID
  • Cycle 3: Bits [7:0] of the payload Dword
  • Cycle 4: Bits [15:8] of the payload Dword
  • Cycle 5: Bits [23:16] of the payload Dword
  • Cycle 6: Bits [31:24] of the payload Dword
Figure 1. Receive Message Interface

The integrated block inserts a gap of at least one clock cycle between successive pulses on the cfg_msg_received output. There is no mechanism to apply back pressure on the message indications delivered through the receive message interface. When using this interface, the user logic must always be ready to receive message indications.