Feature Comparison - 1.0 English

SmartConnect (PG247)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

This section highlights the feature differences between AXI SmartConnect v1.0 and AXI Interconnect v2.1.

The individual conversion and storage modules used in SmartConnect are not available as stand-alone IP. Visibility of internal logic blocks inside SmartConnect is not supported.

SmartConnect provides parallel destination-side arbitration on all AXI channels (Multiple-Address Multiple-Data (MAMD) topology instead of Single-Address Multiple-Data (SAMD)).

SmartConnect supports back-to-back arbitration and propagation on AW and AR channels (supporting high-bandwidth for single-beat transactions).

SmartConnect supports multi-threaded traffic, if enabled, through all data width conversions, protocol conversions (except AXI4-Lite), and transaction splitting.

SmartConnect propagates User-defined signals on all channels through all data width conversions, protocol conversions (except AXI4-Lite), and transaction splitting.

By default, SmartConnect does not propagate ID signals to a connected endpoint slave. SmartConnect still supports multi-threaded traffic across the interconnect topology, allowing endpoint masters to access multiple slaves concurrently and receive responses out-of-order from among those slaves. SmartConnect optionally supports "MI multi-threading", where ID signals are issued to endpoint slaves to allow them to respond out-of-order, provided they have that capability. See "MI Multi-threading" under Advanced Properties.

One clock input per clock domain instead of one clock input per SI/MI interface.

One reset input for the whole IP instead of one reset per SI/MI interface.

SmartConnect performs address decode and error detection only at the endpoint SI interface, not repeated by each cascaded SmartConnect instance.

SmartConnect does not support propagation of WRAP type bursts; WRAP bursts are automatically converted to INCR type bursts.

FIXED burst type transactions are no longer supported.

SmartConnect does not support propagation of narrow bursts (awsize/arsize less than the full interface data width); all bursts are fully packed, regardless of the “modifiable” bit in awcache/arcache.

The awregion/arregion signals are no longer generated on the MI.

SmartConnect performs deadlock avoidance checking only at the endpoint SI interface, not repeated by each cascaded SmartConnect instance.

At this time, SmartConnect provides an area-optimized Low-Area Mode only when all MIs are connected to 32-bit AXI4-Lite endpoints and all SI (if more than one) are in the same clock domain. For any other configurations where an area-optimized mode is preferred, continue to use axi_interconnect_v2_1 in area strategy mode. Also see “Reduced Area Mode” under Advanced Properties.

The AXI Interconnect v2 core supports a maximum of 16 address segments per MI. SmartConnect supports a total of 256 address segments across all MI.