struct XSdFecLdpcParameters - 1.1 English

Soft-Decision FEC Integrated Block LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG256)

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1.1 English

LDPC parameters. See link below for full details.

u32 N  // Number of codeword bits 
u32 K // Number of information bits
u32 Psize  // Size of sub-matrix
u32 NLayers  // Number of layers in code
u32 NQC  // Number of entries in the QC table
u32 NMQC  // Specifies soft-data memory requirements 
u32 NM  // Specifies soft-data memory requirements
u32 NormType  // Normalization type
u32 NoPacking  // QC operation packing
u32 NoFinalParity          // Skip final parity
u32 MaxSchedule  // Scheduling control parameter
u32* SCTable // Pointer to scale table array
u32* LDTable  // Pointer to layer table array
u32* QCTable  // Pointer to QC table array