AXI4-Stream Audio Interface - 2.0 English

UHD SDI Audio LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG309)

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2.0 English

The AXI4-Stream Audio Interface carries audio samples in AES3 format. The data width over the AXI4-Stream Audio Interface is fixed at 32 bits to carry one sub-frame as shown in the Figure 1. The TID indicates the channel number of the audio data (TID is 0 for channel 1 and TID is 31 for channel 32).

UHD-SDI Audio (Embed) uses TID to identify the group to which incoming audio need to be embedded. Similarly, UHD-SDI Audio (Extract) uses TID to convey the group from which audio is extracted. For example, to embed audio onto group 2, send the audio samples with TID 4, 5, 6, and 7 to the UHD-SDI Audio (Embed). Similarily, the audio extracted from group 4 is sent out with TID 12, 13, 14, and 15 by UHD-SDI Audio (Extract). The following table highlights the mapping of AXI4-Stream TID to audio groups and channels in a 32-channel system.
Table 1. Mapping of AXI4-Stream TID in 32-Channel System
AXI4-Stream TID Channel Number SDI Audio Group Channel Number in Group
0 1 1 1
1 2 1 2
2 3 1 3
3 4 1 4
4 5 2 1
5 6 2 2
6 7 2 3
7 8 2 4
8 9 3 1
9 10 3 2
10 11 3 3
11 12 3 4
12 13 4 1
13 14 4 2
14 15 4 3
15 16 4 4
16 17 5 1
17 18 5 2
18 19 5 3
19 20 5 4
20 21 6 1
21 22 6 2
22 23 6 3
23 24 6 4
24 25 7 1
25 26 7 2
26 27 7 3
27 28 7 4
28 29 8 1
29 30 8 2
30 31 8 3
31 32 8 4
The following figure highlights the frame structure and the block transition in multi-channel AXI4-Stream Audio Interface.
Figure 1. Multi-Channel AXI4-Stream Audio Interface Example G: Timeline alignment CLK TDATA[31:0] TVALID TREADY TID[4:0] Pre-emble = TData[3:0] Channel Status = TData[30] D0 D1 D2 D3 DN D0 D1 D2 D3 DN 0 1 2 3 n 0 1 2 3 n X Y X Y Y Z Y Z Y Y C[190] C[191] C[191] C[0] C[0] Frame 191 (End of Block) Frame 0 (Start of Block)