Method 2 - 1.0 English

Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs GTM Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG315)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

Create an additional Verilog wrapper logic on top of the GTM Wizard IP. Then create a dummy port with integer in the declaration as shown below, and abstract the requirement to have hierarchical access from this level.

Note: This additional logic is to be controlled under synthesis translate on/off pragma so that the synthesis behavior remains the same.

Following is an example code snippet:

//--Port declaration of the GTM Wizard IP  wrapper top in user design
input  gtm_ch0_rxp_in ,
output gtm_ch0_txp_in,
//pragma translate_off
input integer gtm_ch0_rxp_integer,
output integer gtm_ch0_txp_integer,
//pragma translate_on
//--Logic inside the module definition
//pragma translate_off
always @(*)
   force  u_gtm_wiz_ip_top.inst.dual0.gtm_dual_inst.CH0_GTMRXP_integer = gtm_ch0_rxp_integer;
   force  gtm_ch0_txp_integer =   u_gtm_wiz_ip_top.inst.dual0.gtm_dual_inst.CH0_GTMTXP_integer;
//pragma translate_on
Figure 1. Example Code