Reset Controller Helper Block Transceiver Interface Ports - 1.0 English

Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs GTM Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG315)

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1.0 English

The reset controller helper block transceiver interface ports described in the following table connect the reset controller helper block to transceiver primitives.

Table 1. Reset Controller Helper Block Transceiver Interface Ports
Port Name I/O Clock Description
gtpowergood_in Input Async Logical AND of all GTPOWERGOOD signals produced by transceiver dual logic.

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txusrclk2_in Input Async TXUSRCLK2 of master transceiver channel.

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plllock_tx_in Input Async Logical AND of all lock signals produced by PLLs that clock the transmit datapath of transceiver dual primitives.

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txresetdone_in Input Async Logical AND of all TXRESETDONE signals produced by transceiver dual primitives.

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rxusrclk2_in Input Async RXUSRCLK2 of master transceiver channel.

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plllock_rx_in Input Async Logical AND of all lock signals produced by PLLs that clock the receive datapath of transceiver dual primitives.

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rxresetdone_in Input Async Logical AND of all RXRESETDONE signals produced by transceiver dual primitives.

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pllreset_tx_out Output gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously) Active-High signal fanned out to the reset ports of all PLLs that clock the transmit datapath of transceiver dual primitives.

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txprogdivreset_out Output gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously)

Active-High signal fanned out to TXPROGDIVRESET port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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gttxreset_out Output gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously) Active-High signal fanned out to GTTXRESET port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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txuserrdy_out Output gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously) Active-High signal fanned out to TXUSERRDY port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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pllreset_rx_out Output gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously) Active-High signal fanned out to the reset ports of all PLLs that clock the receive datapath of transceiver channel primitives.

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rxprogdivreset_out Output

gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously)

Active-High signal fanned out to RXPROGDIVRESET port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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gtrxreset_out Output

gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously)

Active-High signal fanned out to GTRXRESET port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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rxuserrdy_out Output

gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in (used asynchronously)

Active-High signal fanned out to RXUSERRDY port of all transceiver dual primitives.

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Note: All Input/Output ports which are described as async are synchronized to gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in in the example design. In user designs, all asynchronous signals coming as inputs to the IP should be asserted for sufficient time. This ensures that the synchronizers present inside the IP sampling on the gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in identify the toggles on these ports.