Hardware Measurements - 1.0 English

Versal ACAP Soft QDR-IV SRAM Memory Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG355)

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1.0 English

The following measurements can be made by triggering on the status bit that indicates the start of Complex Read Calibration (cal_status[10] = 1’b1).

  1. Probe the write commands and read commands at the memory:
    • Write: LDA#/LDB# = 0; RWA#/RWB# = 0
    • Read: LDA#/LDB# = 0; RWA#/RWB# = 1
  2. Probe a data pin to check for data being returned from the QDR-IV.
  3. Probe the VREF level at the QDR-IV.
  4. Probe the read burst and check if the expected data pattern is being returned.
  5. Check for floating address pins if the expected data is not returned.
  6. Check for any stuck-at level issues on DQ pins whose signal level does not change. If at all possible probe at the receiver to check termination and signal integrity.