AXI4-Lite Register Interface - 1.0 English

Versal Adaptive SoC Integrated 400G High Speed Channelized Cryptography Engine Subsystem Product Guide (PG372)

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1.0 English

The HSC Subsystem contains a soft logic 32-bit AXI4-Lite interface block to allow access to the integrated IP's APB3 interface. Through the AXI4-Lite interface, you can access the internal configuration, status, and statistics registers. For more details on the AXI4-Lite interface, see the AXI to APB Bridge LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG073).

Table 1. AXI4-Lite Interface Signal Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
s_axi_aclk I This clock is used for both the AXI4-Lite bridge Soft Logic and HSC Subsystem APB3 port clock.
Note: The s_axi_clk must be present for the HSC Subsystem to function. If this clock is interrupted, the HSC Subsystem enters an error state.
s_axi_areset I Active-High reset for the AXI4-Lite port. Asserting this reset alters the Port control logic and stops any in-flight writes/reads. It does not reset the internal configuration registers with exceptions listed below.
s_axi_* I/O See the AXI to APB Bridge LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG073) and Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037).
s_axi_pslverr O HSC Subsystem AXI4-Lite slave error indication. This signal is Low during successful operation. When High, the signal indicates an AXI bus protocol error has occurred.
Note: Writes or reads to non-existent/invalid register locations, nor a port being held in reset does not trigger a slave error indication.

A complete description of the register map and the individual registers can be found in the Register Space section.