Decryption Ingress Segmented AXI4-Stream Interface Signal Descriptions - 1.0 English

Versal Adaptive SoC Integrated 400G High Speed Channelized Cryptography Engine Subsystem Product Guide (PG372)

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1.0 English
Table 1. Decryption Ingress Segmented AXI4-Stream Interface Signal Descriptions
Port Name Clock Domain I/O Description
dec_igr_axis_skip_id[5:0] dec_igr_axis_clk O Decryption Skip ID:

This signal represents the channel ID for which a skip cycle has been requested.

dec_igr_axis_skip_req dec_igr_axis_clk O Decryption AXI4-Stream Skip Request:

When asserted, this signal indicates that the decryption core has at least a full cycle worth of data accumulated internally for the channel specified by dec_igr_axis_skip_id[5:0]. Therefore you must skip sending data for that channel during a future calendar slot to prevent overflow. The skip requests are treated as pulse signals so a cycle of skip response is expected for each cycle of assertion. This signal is only valid in channelized mode.

dec_igr_axis_taf_<N> dec_igr_axis_clk O Almost full indicator:

Provided as an advance warning that _tready is deasserted if there is no break in incoming client data.

dec_igr_axis_tdata<M>[127:0] dec_igr_axis_clk I Decryption Ingress AXI Segment <M> Data:

Byte 0 of data on this segment is mapped to bits [7:0] and byte 15 is mapped to bits [127:120].

dec_igr_axis_tid[5:0] dec_igr_axis_clk I Channel ID for client transaction:

Only used in Channelized Mode.

dec_igr_axis_tready_<N> dec_igr_axis_clk O AXI TREADY:

Asserted to indicate acceptance of data.

dec_igr_axis_tuser_ena<M> dec_igr_axis_clk I Segment enable:

Deasserted to indicate per-segment IDLE.

dec_igr_axis_tuser_eop<M> dec_igr_axis_clk I Segment End-of-Packet indicator:

Only valid for enabled segments.

dec_igr_axis_tuser_err<M> dec_igr_axis_clk I Segment Error indicator.
dec_igr_axis_tuser_mty<M>[3:0] dec_igr_axis_clk I Segment Empty Bytes indicator:

Only valid for enabled EOP segments.

dec_igr_axis_tuser_sop<M> dec_igr_axis_clk I Segment Start-of-Packet indicator:

Only valid for enabled segments.

dec_igr_axis_tvalid_<N> dec_igr_axis_clk I Valid signal for the AXI bus.
dec_igr_ch_flush[3:0] dec_igr_axis_clk I Per-channel flush. Active-High:

If the HSC Subsystem is configured to channelized mode, reset is applied to the channel identified by dec_igr_axis_tid when bit 0 is asserted. In fixed port mode, assert the pin corresponding to the desired port to cause reset.

stat_rsvd_out_rx_top[127:120] dec_igr_axis_clk O

Bit [120]: This signal generates a pulse to indicate that an indirect access to the internal key or statistics table of the encryption core is complete. Note that the pulse might be generated a few clock cycles after the deassertion of stat_rsvd_out_rx_top[121].

Bit [121]: This bit indicates the value of the rx_ind_axs_ctrl_ena field in the RX_INDIRECT_AXS_CTRL_REG register. This signal is asserted when an indirect register access to an encryption RAM is pending. You can monitor this signal instead of polling the rx_ind_axs_ctrl_ena field in the RX_INDIRECT_AXS_CTRL_REG register to determine when the indirect access transaction is complete.

Bits [127:122]: Reserved

  1. <N> = port number 0-3 and <M> is the segment number 0 to 7.