AXI3/AXI4 Instruction Format - 1.0 English

Performance AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG381)

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Release Date
1.0 English
Table 1. Instruction Format for AXI3/AXI4
Field Name Bit Fields Width Description



[3:0] 4

AXI user field for Read/Write commands.

For phase done command, bit 0 must be set to 1.

axiRegion [7:4] 4 AXI Region field
axiQos [11:8] 4 AXI Qos field
axiProt [14:12] 3 AXI Prot field
axiCache [18:15] 4 AXI Cache field
axiLock [20:19] 2 AXI Lock field
axiBurst [22:21] 2 AXI Burst field
axiSize [25:23] 3 AXI Size field
axiLen [33:26] 8 AXI Length field
ID Type [34] 1

1'b0: constant awid/arid

1'b1: incremental awid/arid

Number of Transactions [50:35] 16 Number of transactions per command
Transaction Type [52:51] 2

2'b00: READ command

2'b01: WRITE command

2'b10: WAIT command

Number of bytes per transaction [100:53] 48 If the address pattern field is 2'b00, "Linear address", then this field is equal to (2 ^ axiSize)*(axiLen + 1) for WRAP and INCR bursts and equal to (2 ^ axiSize) for FIXED burst. If the address pattern field is 2'b01, "increment by value", then this field is equal to a constant value by which the transaction address is incremented. [JBK15]
Address offset [148:101] 48 This is the offset value that are added to the base address to calculate the address of the first transaction of a command. If the next transaction reaches the boundary of the high address then the base address is loaded.
High Address [196:149] 48 Up to this value the address will be incremented by the TG. When the incremented address reaches the high address boundary, the next transaction start address will be the base address.
Base Address [244:197] 48 The base address can be specified in this field. The incremented address for the transaction will be looped back to the base address when the high address boundary is reached.
Seed [292:245] 48 This field specifies the seed value for random address generation.
Address pattern [294:293] 2

2'b00: Linear address. The next transaction address will be incremented by the number of bytes accessed in the current transaction.

2'b01: Increment by value. The next transaction address will be incremented by this value.

2'b10: Random address. Seed field is used to generate the random addresses using a PRBS pattern generator.

2'b11: Random aligned address. The random address generated by the PRBS module will be aligned.

Loop Address [303:295] 9 When loop is used in the CSV field, this field indicates to which instruction to loop back.
Loop [304] 1 When loop is used in the CSV field, set this bit High for the last instructions in the loop.
Last Instruction [305] 1 This bit indicates the last instruction.
Infinite Transaction [306] 1 If the bit is set, then the instruction is executed forever.
Delay between Transactions [322:307] 16 Specifies the delay between each transaction in clock cycles
Loop count [338:323 16 When loop is used in the CSV field, this field indicates how many times to loop the instructions.
Infinite Loop [339] 1 When loop is used in the CSV field, this field indicates loop the instruction forever.
Loop Start [340] 1 Not used
Destination ID [352:341] 12 This value is set on the destination ID output signal.
DI Enable [353] 1 If set, enables the data integrity of corresponding read instructions.
Data Patterns [362:354] 9

If the MSB is 0, the next eight bits will be sent as data. Otherwise, the three LSBs will specify the data pattern.

9'b1_0000_0000: Address as data (same_as_addr)

9'b1_0000_0001: Byte XOR of address as data (same_as_addr_xor)

9'b1_0000_0010: Hammer data

9'b1_0000_0011: Reserved

9'b1_0000_0100: Reserved

9'b1_0000_0101: Reserved

9'b1_0000_0110: Reserved

9'b1_0000_0111: Reserved

Loop Increment value [378:363] 16 This value specifies the address to be incremented for each loop count
ID value [394:379] 16 AXI ID value
Expected response [397:395] 3

Expected response for RRESP and BRESP MSB bit indicates expected response field is valid.

3’b100: OKAY

3’b101: EXOKAY

3’b110: SLVERR

3’b111: DECERR

3’b0xx: check has to be done based on axi_lock signal

User 10 bit [407:398] 10 User data of 10 bits
Last write/Read [409:408] 2 Indicates last Read or Write instruction
User 11th bit 410 1 11th bit of user data