AXI4-Lite Interface - 1.0 English

Performance AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG381)

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1.0 English

The AXI4-Lite interface provides read/write access to the configuration and status registers in the Traffic Generator and also allows you to load the block RAM with instructions. All the transactions through the AXI4-Lite interface are of 32-bit data width. If you are loading an instruction into the block RAM with a width exceeding 32-bit, you must send multiple AXI4-Lite transactions, each of them 32-bit wide with the address bus value bits [5:2] incrementing each transaction starting from 4’b0000 up to 4’b1111, keeping all the other address bits constant till the complete instruction is loaded into a single memory location in the block RAM. See Running Custom Traffic for the Synthesizable TG for a programming example.

For example, if you consider the width of block RAM memory inside the TG as 416-bit and you want to load an instruction at block RAM address location 0x004 for Traffic Generator 2, the address format looks like the following table, with bits [5:2] incrementing for 4’b0000 – 4’b1011. In total 13 transactions are required to load a 416-bit wide instruction into a single block RAM location.

See User Guidelines for information on Data Integrity.

Table 1. Example Address Format for AXI4-Lite
[31:21]/Reserved [20:16]/TG Number [15]/BRAM/Register Space [14:2]/BRAM Address/ Register Space Address [1:0]
[14:6] [5:2]
Reserved 5’b00001 1’b1 9’b000000100 4’b0000 – 4'b1011 2’b00