STREAM Command - 1.0 English

Performance AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG381)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English
Table 1. STREAM CSV Command Format for AXI4-Stream
Command Input Field Width Non-Synthesizable TG Options
pkt_count 32/STRING
<value in decimal>
Stream packet count. Repeat the current command <N> times, where N = value.
<value in decimal>KB
Amount of data to be transferred in KB, for example 50 KB, 100 KB.
<value in decimal>MB
Amount of data to be transferred in MB, for example 5 MB, 10 MB.
<value in decimal>GB
Amount of data to be transferred in GB, for example 1 GB, 2 GB.
Repeat the current command infinitely.
inter_pkt_delay 32/STRING
<value in decimal>
Value in number of clocks. Issue transaction after specified number of clocks.
<value in decimal>MBps
Bandwidth value for Stream transactions, for example 12500 MB/s.
Note: 1 MB/s = 1,000,000 Bps (bytes per second).
inter_transfer_delay 32
<value in decimal>
Value in number of clocks. Adds specified number of clocks as delay between two transfers in a Stream packet.
tdata_pattern STRING
  • constant
  • random
  • hammer
  • byte_incr
  • 16byte_incr
  • walking_1
  • walking_0
  • same_as_src
  • same_as_len
  • same_as_id
tdata_pat_value 512
<value in hex>
When the tdata_pattern is selected as constant, this field value is used as constant data that is sent on all Stream packet data transfers (tdata_pattern: constant).
<seed_value in hex>
When the tdata_pattern is selected as random, this field value is used as seed for RNG (random number generator) (tdata_pattern: random).
Reserved - -
noc_dest_id 12/STRING
<value in hex>
The targeted slave destination ID value (12-bit value) can be given in this field for the Stream packet.
<Slave Logical Name>
The slave logical name is the AXI stream slave interface name generated by the Vivado IDE. (for example, M00_AXIS, M01_AXIS, M02_AXIS, …). The TG internally maps the logical name with the corresponding NoC slave destination ID.
Note: The noc_dest_id value will be sent on the NoC signal (nmu_wr_usr_dst) along with AXI4-Stream packets.
Reserved - -
Reserved - -
Reserved - -
tdest_id 12
<value in hex>
This value will be sent on the axis_tdest signal for all Stream packets.
pkt_len 16
<value in hex>
Stream packet transactions are sent with N+1 transfer where N = length value in this field.
Note: The axi_tlast signal is asserted High for every final transfer in the packet.
Reserved - -
pkt_id STRING/16
<value in hex>
All Stream packet transactions is sent with this ID.
The first Stream packet transaction nt out with an ID of 0 and each consecutive transaction packet ID is incremented by 1. When the packet ID reaches the MAX_ID, the next transaction ID starts from 0 and increments again.
Note: MAX_ID = 2^ AXI ID Width) – 1
Reserved - -
pkt_user 64
<value in hex>
This value is transferred in the axis_tuser signal for all Stream transfers.